Where to Shop Small in Orlando

Orlando has a fantastic mix of locally owned shops to support year-round. If you find yourself in a rut where you only think about helping them during Small Business Saturday, remember that these local shops need help to live off the fourth quarter. They need our support all year long.

I say this often, especially after I've traveled to other cities - Orlando has more local shops than most cities, and its size is even larger. It creates a unique character in every neighborhood, and shopping at these businesses supports the local economy but also helps preserve that character's unique character. If you love spending the afternoon in Audubon Park, hopping from shop to shop, think of what would happen if all those shops and local eateries disappeared and were replaced with chain stores, AT&Ts, and Subways. The entire neighborhood would be ruined and no longer a desirable place to live or play.

Whether finding a quirky gift in an independent boutique or enjoying a meal at a family-owned restaurant, shopping locally keeps Orlando's heart beating strong, ensuring that it remains a dynamic and thriving destination not just for tourists but also for us, the citizens.

Each year, I create a comprehensive (not complete) list of shops by neighborhood. This isn't flashy content that goes viral; it's evergreen information that you can refer to all year long. Use it, but also search for yourself, scour your local area, and find those gems that you can support.

Use this list when you need a brief overview of where to shop local in Orlando.


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