Small Business Marketing in a Crisis
Marketing your small business is hard enough in normal circumstances, but faced with unprecedented times it can become quite tricky figuring out how to navigate during a crisis. Here are some helpful tips for your small business to keep moving during hard times.
Instagram Saves and Shares: Metrics to watch.
With Instagram likes disappearing, and other metrics debased with fraud, saves and shares are some of the most important factors in determining the success of a post for your brand.
8 Marketing Myths Debunked
You may not be a marketing pro, but don’t fall for some of these marketing myths.
Instagram Best Practices for Social Media Managers
This is a guide straight from Instagram that gives you a checklist of best practices to keep your business account as safe as possible.
Social Media for Small Businesses
If you are a small business struggling with a social media marketing strategy, here are some basic steps and tips to follow.
Instagram Lockdown
I put my public Instagram account on private and here is what I learned.
2019 Small Business Marketing Tips
You finally want to get your act together when it comes to marketing your small business, but don’t know where to start? Begin here with some tips and an infographic you can save and refer to as you mark things off your 2019 checklist.
The Invisible Digital Race
For all the small business owners who are desperately trying to successfully market themselves online but may be getting caught up in the Invisible Digital Race on social media.