150+ Orlando Female Business Owners

For the past three years, I’ve done my best to give you a listing of women-owned businesses around Orlando. This year I wanted the most robust list ever that included more business owners, well beyond Orlando’s reach. That meant lots of research and digging for businesses, some of whom I honestly didn’t know about until I found them through my searches.

Of course, this is not, nor ever will be a complete list of every single person who deserves a mention, but I hope to find more throughout the year and continue to add to my list so we can all support them with our dollars.

Most importantly beyond this list, it doesn’t matter if you own a business or not. Sometimes the greatest impact comes from supporting players whose roles produce lasting levels of success, while never concerning themselves with the spotlight. No matter what you do, as long as it is done with integrity, kindness, loyalty, and honesty, you are worthy of support and gratitude. Forget who you see on your feeds, whose faces seem to be on everyone’s lists. It’s easy to hop on the bandwagon, but it’s harder to dig beyond the surface. Life is not a popularity contest, and this list will never encapsulate the real impact so many voices have on our community.

Rather, I hope it serves as a reference guide of where you can put your money. One less click on Amazon Prime, one less meal from a huge corporate establishment, and one more trip to a local business can have a huge impact.


A La Cart Co-Owner: April Williams @alacartorlando

A Moveable Feast Owner + Chef: Michele DeFilippo @a_moveable_feast_2_u

Aunt Gingibread’s Bakery Owner + Baker: Jennifer Javorowsky @auntgingibread

B Cupcakes Owner: Sheila Norton @bcupcake

Bakechop Co-Owner: Taylor Bass @bakechop

Black Rooster Co-Owner: Juliana Calloway @blkroostertaco

Blended Cafe Owners: Katherine Dao and Xuan Dao @blendedcafebar

Boba Babes Owner: Kelly Clore @bobababessanford

Buttermilk Bakery Owners + Bakers: Taissa Rebroff & Lana Rebroff @ilovebuttermilk

Chef Jes Tantalo Owner: Jes Tantalo @chefjestantalo

Cocolando Creamery & Cafe Co-Owner: Veneatra Reid @cocolando

Craft & Common Co-Owner: Lindsay Duens @craftandcommon

Cups and Pups Coffee Co-Owner: April Guldi @cupsandpupscoffee

DG Doughnuts Owner: Amanda Eubanks @dgdoughnuts

DaJen Cafe & Creamery Owner + Chef: Jenn Ross @dajeneats

Farm & Haus Co-Owner: Brittany Lyne @farmandhausorlando

Gezellig Cookies Owner: Cassandra Plas @gezelligcookies

Gourmet Muffin Owner: Catherine Hilgerson @thegourmetmuffin

Gratitude Coffee Owner: Jen Hackney @gratitudecoffee

Greenery Creamery Co-Owner: Marie Mercado @thegreenerycreamery

Grounding Roots Co-Owner: Amanda Stone @groundingroots

Holy Grain Coffee Co-Owner: Lillian Trevisan @holygraincoffee

Jackie's Bakery Owner: Jackie Ryan @pursuitofdessert

Kaebisch Chocolate Owner: Anna Kaebisch @kaebisch_usa

Kadence Co-Owner + Chef: Jennifer Bañagal @kadenceorlando

Kelly's Homemade Ice Cream Owner: Kelly Seidl @Kellyshomemadeicecream

Krungthep Tea Time Co-Owner: Pemika Assawasoponkul

La Femme du Fromage Owner: Tonda Corrente @lafemmedufromage

Le Petit Sweet Owner: Brittany Baker @lepetitsweet

Light on the Sugar Bakery

Maxine’s on Shine Co-Owner: Maxine Earhart @maxinesonshine

New General Owner: Tracy Liffey @newgeneralstore

New Moon Co: Owner Jennifer Moon @newmoonmarket

Nomad Bakehouse Owner: Grace Garay

Orlandough Owner: Elizabeth Doerr @orlan_dough

P is for Pie Co-Owner: Stacey Simon Tomljenovich @pisforpiebakeshop

Piccolo Coffee - Co-Owner + Baker: Mariah Lemes @piccolocoffeeco

Pom Pom’s Teahouse Owner: Pom Moongauklang @pompomsteahouse

Press'd Juice Bar + Kitchen Co-owner: Katie Bush @pressdjuicebar

Ravenous Pig + Cask & Larder + Polite Pig Co-Owner: Julie Petrakis @theravenouspig @caskandlarder @thepolitepig

Redlight Redlight Co-Owner: Erica Abalos-Hernandez @redlightredlight

Reyes Mezcaleria + Seito Sushi + Osprey Tavern Co-Owner: Sue Chin @reyesmezcaleria @seitobp @the_osprey_tavern

Se7enbites + Sette Owner + Chef: Chef Trina Gregory-Propst @se7enbites

Sister Honey’s Owner: Evette Rahman @sisterhoneys

Smiling Goat Goods Owner: Jill Rhodus @smiling_goat_goods

Sobremesa Owner: Maria Ruiz-Castaneda Rivera @sobremesaorlando

Stasio’s Deli Co-Owner: Maria Palo @stasiositaliandeli

Sweet Posh Cookies Owner: Julissa Oquendo @sweetposhcookieco

Swine & Sons Co-Owner: Alexia Gawlek @swineandsons

Swirlery Wine Bar Owner: Melissa McAvoy @swirlery

The Courtesy Bar Co-Owner: Diana Zimmerman @thecourtesy

The Dessert Lady Owner: Patricia Schmidt @dessertladyorlando

The Guesthouse + The Sunroom Co-Owner: Ashley McCammon Dishman @the_guesthouse

The Rusty Spoon Co-Owner + Chef: : Kathleen Blake @rustyspoon

The Sanctum Cafe + Proper & Wild Owner + Chef: Chelsie Savage @thesanctumcafe

The Strand Co-Owner: Alda Rees @strandoorlando

Tamale Co. Co-Owner: Jennifer Tamayo @tamale_co

Truffles and Trifles Owner: Marci Arthur @trufflesandtrifles

Sweet Utopian Mylk Bar Owner: Ashley Bland @sweetutopian

Uncommon Catering Co-Owner: Tara Vernau-Smith  @uncommoncatering

Valkyrie Doughnuts + Valhalla Bakery Owner + Baker: Celine Duvoisin @valkyriedoughnuts

Vanessa’s Coffee Shop Owner: Vanessa Ortiz Orosco @vanessascoffeeshop

Sweet Babs Brands Owner: Barbara Lezcano @sweetbabssauces

West Orange Creamery Co-Owner: Yomarit Eveland @west_orange_creamery

Wild Mangoes Owner + Chef: Kimone Salzano @wildmangoesrestaurant

Winter Park Biscuit Co. Owner: Mary Mattern @winterparkbiscuitco

Wondermade Co-Owner: Jenn Clark @wondermade


Alchemy Hair Salon Owner: Corinne Gammichia @alchemyorlando

Apenberry’s Co-Owner: Lisa Apen @apenberrysgardens

Avalon Exchange Owner: Chelsea Wolf @avalonexchangeflorida

Checkered Moon Owner: Sharon Crow @checkeredmoon

Cloak and Blaster Owner: Andrea Zimmerman

Dechoes Resale Owner: Kerri Colangelo @dechoes

DeJa Vu Vintage Owner: Robin Krentcil

Dora Mae Owner: Ansley Schrimsher @doramaejewelry

Driftwood Market Owner: Bonnie DiCocco @driftwoodmarket

Echoes of Retro Co-Owner: Gwendolyn Leininger @echoesofretro

Etoile Boutique Owner: Falon Quillen @etoileboutique

Firefly Salon Owner: Karen Anderson @fireflysalonorlando

Good Crowd Shop Owner: Sarah Johnson-Markve

Horizons Vintage Owner: Breanne DiDomenico @horizonsorlando

InBloom Florist Co-Owner: Sally Kobylinski @inbloomflorist

Just Blow It Co-Owners: Katie Cleevy + Erica Morgan @justblowitorlando

KitLife Planners Owners: Jenny Ellenburg, Jessica Locke and Liz Allen @kitlifeplanners

Lafeyette & Rushford Owner: Kristen Painter @lrhome

Leisa Lovely Designs Owner: Leisa Bononi Covelli

Miscellaneous Market Owners: Dede + Landrea Cowart @misc.market

Mr. Man Barbershop Owner: Abby Garcia @mrmancollegepark

Ms. Bee’s Popcorn & Candy Shop Owner: Belinda Wilson

Mockingbird Apothecary Owner: Saima @mockingbirdapothecary

Nail Alchemy Owner: Ashley Morillo @nail_alchemy

Naked Bar Soap Co. Owners: Natasha Byrd-Gaylon & Jennifer Peets @nakedbarsoapco

Orange Door Gift Boutique Owner: Kerry Kisling @orangedoorgiftboutique

Orlando Vintage Owner: Lisa Smith @orlandovintage

Owl's Attic Owner: Brittany DeGeus @the_owls_attic

Palmer’s Garden & Goods Co-Owner: Allison Palmer @palmersgardenandgoods

Paper Goat Post Owners: Megan & Cedar Watson Follow these artsy ladies @papergoatpost

Peaceful Peacock Owner: Kati Donzati @peacefulpeacockorlando

Piante Designs Co-Owner Grace Li @piante_design

Porch Therapy + The Heavy Owner: Jennifer Crotty @porchtherapy

Retromended Owner: Brandy Tezak @retromended

Rifle Paper Co. Owner: Anna Rifle Bond @riflepaperco

Sassy Sistas Boutique Owners: Jasmine Jackson + Eboni Rainey

TS Skincare Owner + Founder: Gail Kent @tsecretskincare

The Lovely Boutique Owner: Kimberly Hellstrom @thelovelycollection

The Carousel Emporium Owners: Sara Manthey and Meloni Turk

The Farmacy Co-Owner: Cathy Clay @farmacyorlando

The Grove Owner: Meredith Gardner @thegrovewp

The Stretching Room Co-owner: Elina Nubaryan

Tuni’s Owners: Tuni Blackwelder  + Paige Blackwelder @tuniwinterpark

Vintage Sky Salon Owner: Paula Hodge @vintageskysalon

Wildflower Beauty by Jessica Owner: Jessica Lauren Krammer @wildflowerbeautybyjessica

Wild Hare Kitchen & Garden Emporium Owner: Cheryl Bryant @wildharekitchenandgarden

Yay! Tiny Shop Owner: Stacy Coon @yaytinyshop


Crispy Farms Owner: Alicia Crisp @crispy.farms

Little Blue Donut Co. Co-owner: Alyse Perfetto @littlebluedonutco

Dahlia’s Flower Truck Owners: Diane Hill + Courtney Clark + Carly McCarthy @dahliasflowertruck

FLWR Couture Owner: Kenyarda Anderson @flwr_couture

Gidget Mobile Boutique Owner: Ashley Stein @shopgidget

Gypset Collective Owner: Samantha Redding @gypsetco

Joy Donuts Co-Owner: Jennifer Dempsey @joydonutsllc

La Isla del Frappe Co-Owner: Yeneksa Roman @laisla_delfrappe

Land of Alice Owner: Alicia Fernandez @landofalicestudio

Midnight Sun Ice Cream Co-Owner: Joeclyn Stewart @midnightsunic

On the Grow Plant Shop Owners: Rachel Douglass + Valerie Perez

Petals and Stems Market Co-Owner: Tracy Post @petalsandstemsmarket

Sugar Rush Marshmallows Owners: Julie + Jean Summers @sugarrushmarshmallows

SwedeDish Food Truck Owner: Viveca Averstedt @swededishtruck

Till Plant Company Owners: Jen & Bailey @tillplantcompany (on hiatus)

Worthy Rags Owner: Idenise Rodriguez @worthyragsco


Alyssa Makes Something Owner: Alyssa Campbell @alyssamakessomething

Anna Alicea Designs Owner: Anna Alicea @anna.alicea.designs

Bet’s Bars Owner: Bethany Barber @bets_bars

Bloom Wolf Studio Owner: Betsy Garcia @bloomwolfstudio

Brandelane Owner: Brandi Monard @brandelane

Bright Light Paper Owner: Elizabeth Kraft @brightlightpaper

Carla Poma Jewelry Owner: Carla Poma @carlapomajewlery

Collective Kindness Owners: Leah Thompson & Liz Jennings @collectivekindess

Curated Dry Goods Owner: Kristine @curateddrygoods

Cute and Clay Owner: Rochelle Garcia @cuteandclay

DePalma World Owners: Vanessa Salazar + Madeleine Matheus @depalmaworld

Art @ Diahn Perry Owner: Diahnn Perry @diahnnperry

Dr. Duffy Dispensary Owner: Patty Duffy @drduffyhempoil

Enlighten Us Owners: Kenna + Stacey Wick @myenlightenclass

Emilie Bright Jewelry Owner: Sarah Harper @emiliebrightjewelry

Every Other Weekend Owner: Tammy Dehler @everyotherweekend

Fox + Film Co-Owner: Josie Hubert @foxandfilmphoto

Gold Dust Home Owner: Shelby Sloan @gold_dust_home

Hannahglo Photo Owner: Hannah Glogower @hannahglophoto

Hellcats Goods + Accessories Co-Owner: Brittany Reagan @hellcats.usa

Hello Happy Plants Owner: Kelsey Ryder @hellohappyplants

Hoop There It Is Owner: Blythe Adreon @hoop.there.it.is_

Illuma Cosmetics Owner: Amanda Nieves @illumabeauty

Jelly Press Owner: Chelsea Preston @jellypress

Jordan Emmitt Photography Owner: Jordan Carnegis @jordan.emmitt

Kick Bright Shop Owner: Kristin Howard

Lemesto Art Owner: Arielle Rassel @lemesto.art

Little Byrd Candle Owner: Nadia Byrd @littlebyrdcandleco

Little Wild Bloom Owner: Stephanie Forshee @littlewildbloom

Lou Jewels  Owner: Shannon McRae @myloujewels

Macey Mack Designs Owner: Macey Mack @maceymackdesign

Macrame Momma Owner: Victoria Walsh @macramemomma

Madison Hope Photography Owners: Madison Hope + Natalee Kennedy @mhpandco

Neon Cowboy Owner: Asia Hall @neoncowboys

Orlando Shirts Owner: Liv Jonse @orlandoshirts

Potheads by Amber Owner: Amber Weatherford @potheadsbyamber

Rockhaus Metals Owner: Kristina Brownell @rockhaus_metals

Sommi Jewelry Owner: Alexandra Nieto @sommijewerly

Sugarsnap Handmade Owner: Kimberly Patel @sugarsnaphandmade

The Folk Lohr Owner: Polly Hlavac Pritz @thefolklohr

Well Fed Apothecary Owner: Wilnise Francois @wellfredapothecary


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